Deshi Games has launched its newest offering, Deshi Puzzles, in honor of Bangabandhu's birthday, with Sadat Rahman of Cyber Teens and Naznin Nahar, president of BIJF, in attendance.


Rezwan Razu, spokesperson for Deshi Games, unveiled the puzzle game at Vision-2021 Tower on March 16th, Saturday. The game features portrait puzzles of the father of the nation, four national leaders, and seven Birsreshthos. A unique aspect of the game is that upon solving a puzzle, players learn about the respective figures through their biographies. Razu expressed that the game was created with the aim of educating the new generation about their history.


Following the launch, a Q&A session was held with journalists, yielding positive feedback. Deshi Games has pledged to incorporate this feedback into further development of the game.

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